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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Killing Floor 2 hype

Hello blokes! Since I bougth this game over month ago and I really love this game. So I wanted to write something about this subject. 

First, there is only 4 perks, medic, berserker, support specialist and commando. Leveling them it's kinda simply, you need kill any zeds to gain exp. Some Perks get exp bonus, like commando get exp bonus killing stalkers, support specialist get exp bonus welding doors. Killing floor 2 has only 3 maps, yes only 3 maps and I know that is early access game. Map are Burning Paris, Bioticlab and Outpost, my personal fav map is Burning Paris, because it's looks so pretty awesome, I really love view of burning Eiffel Tower. 

Bloats can take more damage than killing floor 1 bloats. Kf2 Bloats are more fat than kf1. It's really sexy when those fats are jigglying ugh.  

Cyst: This one is biggest disapointed ever. Why? Let me explain, they are worst than killing floor 1 cloths and they replaced Cloths. They donest see anything, they navigates by sounds. There was some kind of bug, when player/plaeyrs didint move or didint make any noices, cysts didint saw them and they was walking near the players.

Stalkers: Damm, they are more female looking zeds, they even walk like females. It's really hard to see stalkers on killing floor 2. Also Commando has pretty usefull skills, that skill help others players to see stalkers, if Commando is close of them. They are still whispering and that is really annoying. 

Siren. This little bitch is really annoying, but when ZED-time (slow-motion) happens, Sirens scream is more musical than without ZED-time. 

But soon is first content update! They are added more achievements and also first item hunt map is incoming :).

But see you at next time! 

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