Hello blokes!. I played Portal 1 and Portal 2. Well, its took about 2 day to finish them, well, i played portal 1 twice, because achievements. Portal 1 and Portal was super easy to me, but , still i enjoyed playing. On portal 2 , i hate really much one blye-eye core, named Wheatley. He is just moron, yes moron.
Also i started to play game named Aperture Tag. Well, i disapointed it. Game was really laggy and buggy, and that strange gel gun. Yes gel gun, which include bounce gel and speed gel. Well, game is still strategy, but its really strange nad stupid. I only played like 30 min, and i cannot pass one champter, i needed to jump with bounce gel, but no , i always felt on toxic water and died. Maybe someday i will play that game, but now, i dont have any interesting to play that game. I tohugth that this game will be awsome, cause trailer was awesome. But this is horrible, i dont recomend to buy this game.
Next thing, is that almost made one of school projects, its still need report of !how i made this online store" , but it is actually pretty easy to write. Well honestly, my online store was really shitty, i actually gave up with it, cause shopping card system doesnt work, even i build plenty times it, first time shopping card, worked, but then some how code always broked. So i show that onlinestore to my teacher, and he said it is ok, so i pass the class. Finally wokring with Visual developer 2010 expert is finally over. I gonna uninstall that shitty programm. I still have to do two kind of reports, one report will be that what i do on my workplace, and second one will be that what i love to do. Well, i love to play , and administrate servers, hmm maybe i write something of panda-community.
I still have about 4 month school/works, then i graduate, well i hope that i will graduate, this is my final change to graduate, so hope im not gonna fail badly.
But see yah next time!
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