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Monday, May 18, 2015


Hello blokes! It's week without work/school and I am super bored. Only sitting on computer, playing videogames, watching youtube videos, twice per day running or walking and sleeping, alot sleeping. Well, it's good have time to relaxing abit begore going to work, if I find one.

At this monent, I am really frustrated. Why? My weight is not changed in any way in 3 month. Well I feel fantastic, I am happier and I am not tired anymore. But still, my weight, is still same, even my body didint change at all. I eat pretty healthier, sometimes I eat sweets and my consumption is bigger than what I eat.

I shaved one side of my hair off, because why not YOLO. I dreamed long time having sidebald (or whatever name is), i cannot shave earlier, because I had customer service and this is kinda too "brutal" for that kinda job. Now I dream about red hair, since I have not "dirty" looking green hair and I need something new to my life. I have red dye hair conditioner (not sure about name), so it's time to use that, when I am not too lazy and I have alot time, probably never.

I started to read crazily mangas. I havent read while comics or mangas and I have alot mangas, what I havent read yet. I just finished Dragonball , really good manda and anime is not bad too, but sadly, it's ended, I wanted to read more. I could watch Dragonball anime soon, when i finished watching Gravity Falls (didint started yet, lol). 

But anyway, see you at next time blokes! 

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