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Thursday, January 22, 2015

SFM , unusual and green/blue hair!

Hello blokes! I am watching atm really strange youtube videos, they are from horror movies, like demonbaby birth , belly explosions and strange mutations thingies, like movie : the thing. Well, i dont like watch any horror movies, especially i dont never watch paranormal activy movies, because i already afraid any paranormal stuff. I watched long time ago paranormal activy 1, i could'nt sleep and always i was paranoid. So no thanks to paranormal stuff.

Some day i check my source filmmaker folder, and i saw that i have alot unfinished projects, posters and videos. So i decided to contiuning to do them. First i make all posters done, then i do thme videos.

So here is few posters what i made yesterday 

This one is art work request

Selfie time! Lol . But anyway, i dyed my hair to blue/green. Its turned nicely, but sadly, that my dyecolor was nearly runned out. So i put all dyecolor, what i got, into my hair. Its looks pretty good and always little changes cheer up my life.

And, i unboxed my second unusual. I was really happy, but, this one is actually pretty ugly. So i gonna sell this one on steam market. So hope if there is someone silly player, who want to buy that one.

But i end this now, so see yah next time! 

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